Friday, July 31, 2009

Did you know?

Interesting fact: Grey car does not hide the bugs guts as good as the black car.


This is nothin' compared to what it looks like right now :(

~But I still love my good ol' Toulouse LaTrek ~

Monday, July 27, 2009

Simply Seven

I should start calling this just Sevens. Seems I don't get around to this on Sundays as often as I thought I would!!

1. For all the rain that washed off the water spots left over from my backyard car wash
2. Haha, for the rain that washed off all the bugs that reappeared smeared on my car a couple days after the backyard car wash!!
3. For the delightful company of Tara on my 'search for nice neighbourhoods' excursion
4. For a great couple days of just chillin' with Charlotte
5. For the delightful advice from the lady at Laurier's Career Services
6. For my now stellar looking resume ;)
7. For my trusty car

Monday, July 20, 2009

And then there was none.

In my moments of boredom today at work, I decided to scroll back through my blog to 2007.

You know what I realise?

I am not nearly so funny as I once was. Oh sigh. What a pitiful feeling.

My new goal for the rest of 2009: To find humour in my days and write about it in a side splitting way!

(Uh, right now, I'm just not so sure where the funny is going to come from. It's pretty darn blah these this will require some extra effort. Fingers crossed.)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

7+7+7+7+7+7+7+....that's a lot!

1. For a great beach day on Thursday.
2. For my pretty toes after my pedicure.
3. For wonderful things being on sale!
4. For quite, lazy nights.
5. For laughing with fits of giggles ;)
6. For spending time with my family this weekend.
7. For hanging out around the campfire playing cards.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Nice or....nice?

I'm a nice girl by nature. I like smiles, I like hugs, I like kind words. Living in a small town, kindness breeds here like bunnies in the underbrush of the thicket. Living in a small town for the past 9 months or so, my level of kindness has increased, though I have not been aware of it.

Until volunteering at MIFF this past weekend, that is. I spent most of the time chillin' in the box office, lending my smile and helpful phrases etc to people who wanted to know about the Mississauga Independent Film Festival, buy tickets, or buy tickets to the regular movies in the rest of the theatre.

My happy comments of "You can buy the tickets for that movie down at the concession stand, this weekend the box office is just for the Film Festival ticket sales," freaked people out because I was smiling at them and patiently explaining to them the situation at hand. Many times I had to repeat and repeat and repeat until my smile left and I said plainly "Go downstairs" and then they understood what was going on. My friends and Festival organizers merely laughed at me and told me to keep it simple and to not be so nice. Bark at them, if you will.

At once point, a lady came over to ask about the Hannah Montana movie, and while she was looking at the times, I smiled at her daughter and asked her how she was. The mom looked at me like I was a menacing crazy person and yanked her kid away.

Oh small town. How I love the environment of trust and friendship you foster. Big cities...just fathom the fear of friendly people ~ we are such terrorists!!! Look out!!! My smile is my secret weapon to soften your defences and then I will rule the world! Scary business...

Monday, July 13, 2009


1. For a lull week at work. Nothing too crazy post-festival!
2. For the last nanaimo bar.
3. For evening drives in the countryside.
4. For wedding crashing!
5. For a great MIFF weekend.
6. For MIFF friendships.
7. For some quality time with Jen and Envy!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Just another Sunday

1. For living in the lovely land of Canada!
2. For being able to spend Canada Day on Tara's deck - her hosting skills are quite impressive (hahah, Tara!)
3. For being able to stay calm during the Festival weekend
4. For a very successful Scottish Festival
5. For making friends with grouchy vendors!
6. For the delicious poutine I got to eat on Sunday
7. For finally allowing myself to buy Hunter rainboots!!!!!!!