Monday, January 5, 2009

I resolve...

New Years Resolutions. Why do we have to make resolutions for the New Year? I suppose it is that mentality of a new year, a new start, blah blah blah, and all that. I like to think that we should make resolutions for ourselves at any given time during the year. You could look at it from the perspective of "it's a new month/day/hour/minute" or whatever.

Regardless. I do have a resolution for this year. I need to a make a change, a real change (as opposed to those 'fake' changes I made last year!). I'm not exactly sure just what this change entails but I suspect it involves a better focus on my business, and now on my writing and taking that to a whole new level.

Tee hee, and I resolve to blog more again. We've heard that one before, I know, but look! Already 2 posts for 2009! I'm off to an excellent start!

Good luck to you and your resolutions!

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