Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Sevens

Finally this year feels like it kicking into gear!! January and February were soooooo sluggish, but now it's half way through March, and it's just charging forward!!! I am grateful this time around for the quickening pace!

1. For having a friend that has been in my life for over 20 years. She's pretty much the only one I've got from childhood!
2. For spending time with my mom, just chillin' not talking business.
3. For the multitude of desserts my mom bought me, and it's not even my birthday yet!!!
4. For the tour of the local mirco-brewery.
5. For the helpful ladies at Conestoga College who are putting my mind at ease over the simple process of applying to the post-grad program which I seem to be anxious about.
6. For the carb filled meal I had yesterday...mmmm.....
7. For having wonderful grandparents who look out for me and have my best interests at heart.

1 comment:

Echo said...

I do love your sunday sevens xo