Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A touch less dramatic

Well, I have been 27 for 3 whole days (and then some) and I have not spontaneously combusted, nor been eaten alive by random wildlife. It appears my fears can be put to rest now. Just like every year, it really doesn't feel much different than the last.

And suprising, I think that my 27th birthday celebration was one of the best I've had in a long time. Nice and relaxed, surrounded by friends.

A good start to the year of doom.

Now let me reassess the doom issue and it will all be ok. It will be a year of natural progress...mostly good, just the regular amounts of doom, nothing over the top.

Much better.

1 comment:

Stargazer said...

ok there drama queen--you can take me out to celebrate my 27th so that I can keep it real and less dramatic ;) xo